Adapted from the original email letter sent by Paul Ovaitt on November 25, 2022
Just Showing Up
Gentle readers, my campaign to raise funds to pay for the posting of Tell It Like It Was stories on the Augusta Museum website is not over. I had hoped to raise $2500, the equivalent of a Missouri Humanities Council mini grant. Currently, we are still shy of the $1000 mark.
People often tell me how important it is to preserve the people’s history of Augusta, especially since Hoffmann arrived in the neighborhood. Others tell me they just plain enjoy TILIW, and they read every one. Some tell me I need to make a book.
Personally, I have no way of weighing TILIW’s value. All I know is that I enjoy writing about Augusta, and many people enjoy reading it. Many of you could probably even do a better job than I’m doing. You and your ancestors have been here longer than me. You may be a better writer, a better historian, a better thinker, maybe a better person. But…in the words of Woody Allen, “showing up is 80% of success.”
I’m the one who keeps showing up. But I need financial help to pay the museum web guru’s fee, which, by the way, is a mere $25 per post…and some more goes to site maintenance, the building of a table of contents, and the uploading of my videos to YouTube.
I kicked off my begging campaign by donating the first $100. Some readers immediately matched my pound of flesh. Two even doubled my contribution. But, what about the rest you, gentle readers? I know you probably want to help but showing up is something you haven’t got around to yet.
How about right now? Please. Help out with a donation to:
Friends of Historic Augusta
c/o Sally Heining 296 Lower St. Augusta MO 63332
Sally will send you a legal receipt if you wish to take a charitable contribution deduction. She can send via email or USPS. BUT BE SURE TO NOTE ON YOUR CHECK OR LETTER THAT IT IS FOR TILIW.
Thank you! I hope your Thanksgiving Day was special and I wish you a Merry Christmas.
P. S. Today’s date is now April 18, 2023, and I am sending this email to Miranda Murray to post on the museum’s website. Currently, we have raised $2090 for TILIW stories. We only lack $410 to reach the $2500 goal. Please put your money where your curiosity is.
Curiosity is good for you,